
发布日期:2024-09-18 04:58浏览次数:

本文摘要:LONDON — The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros, or about $16.6 billion.伦敦——芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三回应,已表示同意以全股票方式并购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。

LONDON — The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros, or about $16.6 billion.伦敦——芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三回应,已表示同意以全股票方式并购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。The combined company is expected to become the world’s second-largest telecom equipment manufacturer behind Ericsson of Sweden, with global revenues totaling $27 billion and operations spread across Asia, Europe and North America.拆分后的公司将沦为世界第二大电信设备制造商,次于瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson),公司全球总营收将超过270亿美元(约合1670亿元人民币),业务遍及亚洲、欧洲和北美。

The companies are betting that, by joining forces, they can better compete against Chinese and European rivals bidding to provide telecom hardware and software to the world’s largest carriers, including ATT and Verizon in the United States, Vodafone and Orange in Europe, and SoftBank in Japan.两家公司相信,拆分后它们可以更佳地与中国和欧洲的输掉竞争,竞相为世界上仅次于的一些电信运营商获取硬件和软件。这些运营商还包括美国的ATT和威瑞森(Verizon),欧洲的沃达丰(Vodafone)和Orange,以及日本的软银(SoftBank)。The announcement came after the companies had said they were in advanced talks over a deal, which would represent the latest in a string of mergers in the fast-consolidating telecom sector.声明收到前,两家公司曾回应正在为一项交易展开最后阶段的谈判。

这项交易将不会是电信行业急遽统合的大潮中近期的一次拆分。Nokia said that it had offered 0.55 of a new share for each Alcatel-Lucent share, roughly a one-third premium to the company’s stock price before the news of a potential deal was first announced.诺基亚回应,其已明确提出以新的发售股的每0.55股外币一股阿尔卡特朗讯股,大约高达关于潜在拆分的消息发布之前朗讯股价约三分之一。Nokia’s chief executive, Rajeev Suri, would take over the combined company, which expects the restructuring to save about $1 billion a year starting in 2019.诺基亚首席执行官拉吉夫·苏瑞(Rajeev Suri)将接掌拆分后的公司。

预计从2019年开始,重组将为公司每年节省大约10亿美元。“Together, Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia intend to lead in next-generation network technology and services,” Mr. Suri said. “We will have a strong presence in every part of the world, including leading positions in the United States and China.”“阿尔卡特朗讯和诺基亚一起,意图引导下一代网络科技与服务,”苏瑞说道。“我们将在世界上每一个地方都享有相当可观的市场占有率,还包括在美国和中国也享有领先地位。

”In early trading in Europe, shares of Nokia rose 3.1 percent while shares of Alcatel-Lucent fell 10.9 percent.欧洲早盘,诺基亚股价下跌了3.1%,阿尔卡特朗讯暴跌了10.9%。The deal is expected to be completed in the first half of next year, with Nokia shareholders owning 66.5 percent of the telecom giant and Alcatel-Lucent investors holding the rest.拆分预计将于明年上半年已完成,诺基亚的股东将享有新的电信巨头66.5%的股份,其余股份归阿尔卡特朗讯的投资人所有。



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