
发布日期:2024-08-26 04:58浏览次数:

本文摘要:Few consumers had even heard of Huawei in 2011, the year in which its board decided to focus on breaking into the smartphone market in a big way.2011年那会儿,还没多少消费者听闻过华为(Huawei),就在这一年,华为董事会要求集中精力,乘机进占智能手机市场。

Few consumers had even heard of Huawei in 2011, the year in which its board decided to focus on breaking into the smartphone market in a big way.2011年那会儿,还没多少消费者听闻过华为(Huawei),就在这一年,华为董事会要求集中精力,乘机进占智能手机市场。The company’s portfolio of cheap, low-tech devices had led many to mark the group down as just another “me-too” Chinese white-label manufacturer. But six years on, Huawei has achieved its ambition. As well as now being one of the world’s leading suppliers of telecoms equipment, ranking alongside Sweden’s Ericsson, it has also become the third-biggest vendor of smartphones by market share, according to research company Gartner.华为发售了一系列低价、较低技术含量的手机产品,让许多人以为该集团不过是又一家波澜的中国“白标”制造商。

但6年过去,华为构建了自己的雄心壮志。根据研究公司Gartner的数据,华为现在不仅是全球领先的电信设备供应商,与瑞典爱立信(Ericsson)合称,还沦为按市场份额计全球第三大的智能手机供应商。The Chinese company has aspirations to be number one as it moves to make more expensive devices aimed at western markets. In 2011, it shipped 1m handsets. Last year, this figure rose to more than 139m.这家中国企业渴求沦为第一,它已在针对西方市场生产价位更高的设备。

2011年华为手机发货量为100万部,去年这一数字多达了1.39亿。“Smartphones are becoming some kind of commodity [at the middle and lower end] but technology is evolving,” says Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei’s consumer business since 2011.华为消费者业务首席执行官余承东(Richard Yu)回应:“智能手机于是以沦为某类商品(就中低档来说),但技术还在发展。”他自2011年起开始兼任这一职务。

The P9, launched last year, was Huawei’s first premium handset to break the sales mark of 10m units. The smartphone, which includes an advanced camera developed in partnership with Leica, was launched with the price of £480 for the most basic model.去年发售的P9是华为首款突破1000万部销量的高端手机。这款智能手机配有了与徕卡(Leica)合作开发的高级摄像头,发售时基本款定价为480英镑。

However, Mr Yu says that smartphone sales are not the limit of Huawei’s ambitions, as the company looks to move into artificial intelligence and the realm of everyday connected devices, known as the internet of things.但余承东回应,华为所执着的并不仅限于买智能手机,该公司还期望进占人工智能和日常相连设备——即物联网——领域。While smartphones will stay a core part of the business, Huawei is investing more in services that the phones can deliver as a means to drive future sales.华为仍将把智能手机作为一块核心业务,但目前已在增大投资研发需要在手机上获取的服务,以此作为推展未来销售快速增长的手段。The goal is to create new uses for smartphones, for instance by building applications around virtual and augmented reality — either with the addition of goggles that immerse the user in a virtual world, or by imposing virtual dressing on real-world views.其目标是首创智能手机的新用途,例如研发虚拟现实、增强现实应用于——或是通过眼镜使用户沉浸于在虚拟世界,或是将虚拟世界服装覆盖面积在真实世界影像上。

Mr Yu says Huawei is investing in VR, which he predicts will become integrated within smartphones.余承东说道华为正在投资虚拟现实,他预测该技术将被统合到智能手机上。Even more important, he says, will be artificial intelligence linked to smartphones.他说道,更加最重要的是将人工智能与智能手机联系一起。

Huawei has plans to rival the big western technology groups such as Apple and Amazon in creating voice-controlled search and response assistants. Mr Yu says that Huawei is investing “huge money” in research and development in this field. Future virtual assistants will adapt themselves to a user’s preferences, their actions and reactions based on data received from smartphones that are packed full of sensors.华为有数研发语音掌控搜寻及接收者助理的计划,期望与苹果(Apple)、亚马逊(Amazon)等西方科技巨头一较高下。余承东回应华为在该领域的研发上投放了“巨资”。未来的虚拟世界助理将需要调整自身去适应环境用户的偏爱,它们的动作和反应基于装有传感器的智能手机所接管的数据。

Customers will no longer touch a screen to access services, they will just talk to their device. “There will be a smart and natural interaction with human beings,” Mr Yu says. “Huawei is working more and more on AI and VR. The smartphone becomes my personal assistant.预计用户将仍然必须以触屏方式来用于各项服务,他们只需与自己的设备聊天。余承东说道:“设备与人之间将展开聪慧、大自然的对话。华为更加多地致力于人工智能和虚拟现实。

智能手机早已出了我的个人助理。”“Behind the smartphone are big data and AI processing,” he adds. “The phone in the future is like a robot.”他说道:“智能手机的背后是大数据和人工智能处置。未来的手机就像一个机器人。

”One reason for this strategic shift is that its phone sales are being challenged by low-cost rivals in Shenzhen, where Huawei has its headquarters. Some analysts also warn that the smartphone market is becoming saturated.这一战略性改变的原因之一是,华为在手机销售方面日益受到深圳低成本竞争对手的挑战,深圳是华为总部所在地。一些分析师还警告说道智能手机市场于是以日益饱和状态。For now, however, Huawei is the top-selling smartphone maker in China, according to research company Counterpoint. Overseas shipments account for nearly 50 per cent of its total handset sales.不过根据研究公司Counterpoint的数据,目前华为是中国销量第一的智能手机制造商,海外发货量占到其手机总销量的近一半。

Mr Yu adds that there are still ways to boost sales by improving the design of smartphones, not least by upgrading their digital cameras further.余承东回应,还是有办法来不断扩大手机销售,比如通过改良智能手机的设计,特别是在是更进一步升级手机的数码摄像头。He says that work is also being done to improve battery life, a frequent demand of device users across many brands.他回应华为也在致力于缩短电池寿命,这是许多品牌设备用户的少见拒绝。Huawei has experimented with wearables. Its Huawei Watch 2, which uses the Android operating system, has online connectivity and acts as a fitness monitor, was launched at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week.华为已试水可穿着设备领域,华为Watch 2配备安卓(Android)操作系统,可以连网,还能当作健美监测器,该设备于本周在巴塞罗马世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上公布。

The company still faces some hurdles on its way to the top sales spot, however. Its name is still not as well known as those at the pricier end of the market. Mr Yu also says the company needs more time to build penetration in the US, where it is “behind” compared to other parts of the world.不过,在迈进全球销售榜首的道路上,华为仍然面对一些障碍。它仍不如市场上那些高端品牌著名。




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